Orange Clivia Plant
Orange clivia plant
During the spring and summer growing seasons, a clivia needs regular watering but should be allowed to become dry to the touch between waterings. An automatic weekly watering will often be too much and can cause rot. Fertilize once a month with a half-strength dilute solution of 20-20-20 fertilizer.
Where is the best place to plant a clivia?
Clivias will grow in shade, but may become 'leggy' if grown in deep shade. They will still flower, but not prolifically. Aim for good light in autumn and spring, but avoid strong sunlight in the summer months. Best grown in fertile, well-drained soil.
Do clivias prefer sun or shade?
Clivia fare best in dappled sunlight or early morning sun. Dark shade will limit the amount of flowers that your clivia produce. Feed clivia in spring and autumn with 3:1:5 slow-release fertiliser. Clivia in pots should be fed once a month with a liquid fertiliser such as Seagro.
Is clivia an indoor plant?
While most clivias are grown as interesting houseplants, in suitable locations they can be grown as outdoor container plants. However, they must be brought indoors for overwintering. The attraction to clivia plants can be found in their stunning blooms, which vary in color from pale orange to red.
How many times a year do clivias flower?
In fact, most mature clivias will flower twice a year, occasionally even more. Expect at least one blooming session in winter (it's their normal season), but it's certainly not unusual to see them bloom again in the summer and sometimes yet again in the fall.
Do clivias grow well in pots?
Can you grow cliva in pots? Potted clivias look lovely on a patio or decorating a shady courtyard. In pots and containers, clivias like to be pot bound and can be left undisturbed for many years. You can grow them beautifully for more than 20 years without ever disturbing the roots by repotting.
Do clivias like lots of water?
In the wild, clivias grow in woodland and forests from the Eastern Cape to Mpumalanga. They are found in thick mats in shallow, well-drained soil on rocks covered with leaf mould, nature's mulch. For this reason, keep clivias moist at all times, but avoid overwatering as clivias do not like waterlogged soil.
How do you keep clivias blooming?
It is possible to force clivia to bloom once the initial flowering period is over. Clivia needs a cold period of 25-30 days in order to bloom. You can simulate this natural cold period by placing your clivia in a cool area with daytime temperatures at about 40-60 degrees F. (4-15 C.), but no lower than 35 degrees F.
How often do you water clivia?
A Clivia needs moderate irrigation. It is sufficient to water once a week and keep the soil a little moist. In the winter period it is sufficient to water once every 2 weeks.
How long does clivia live?
Clivia can live for many years and grows to around 45cm high and 30-40cm wide.
How long does clivia last?
The flowers have a bright orange-red hue that is glorious to see, and the best part is that the flowers last two to three weeks or more.
Is clivia poisonous to humans?
Bulbs can be poisonous. These include agapanthus, autumn crocus, clivia, daffodil, hippeastrum, hyacinth, lily of the valley, tulips and some irises.
How fast do clivia grow?
Clivias are slow growers and it can take up to five years for a seed to grow into a flowering plant. Keep in a warm, protected, ventilated spot out of direct sunlight. Water in spring and summer, ensuring soil is damp but not wet and fertilise every couple of weeks.
What is the best fertilizer for clivias?
Liquid fish emulsion or seaweed fertilisers are very useful, while slow release fertilisers like Osmocote are effective. Clivias planted in garden beds benefit from a dressing of blood and bone, or a slow release fertiliser such as Dynamic Lifter (being careful to apply it away from the base of the plant).
Do clivias multiply?
Clivia's natural multiplication by offsets. Clivias are one of many plants that produce offsets. These are the tiny plants that cluster around the base of the mother plant and grow up to be exactly like their parent.
What months do clivias flower?
Most bloom in spring, but flowering times do vary, depending on the species Clivia gardenii, for instance, blooms from autumn to spring, bringing welcome colour to the winter garden. They produce strong flower stems that are topped with heads of large funnel-shaped flowers in vibrant hues of yellow, orange, and red.
Is clivia low maintenance?
However, there are also several rare and expensive yellow-flowering cultivars. While clivias are not winter hardy in Iowa, they are excellent, low maintenance houseplants.
Do clivias flower more than once?
Clivia can flower at slightly different times each year depending on if we have had a cold winter or a warmish winter. Although most C. miniataflower in September, some are a little slower and may flower in October or November. The amount of light seems to also be a factor.
Are coffee grounds good for clivias?
The addition of sulphate of potash will assist in ensuring a good harvest. Used coffee grounds can also be added to the soil with beneficial results. These will acidify the soil. A handful, sprinkled over a square metre should be an ideal application rate.
Can I put my clivia outside?
Clivia are frost tender and can be damaged by temperatures below 5°C (40°F). They should be grown as a houseplant, in a conservatory or warm greenhouse and do best in bright, filtered or indirect light. Avoid direct sun in summer, which may scorch the leaves, and place pots away from radiators or other sources of heat.
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